Firearm Concealed Carry Permit
After much soul searching, and believe me, this decision will do that to anyone. After reading the latest positions of the political parties and recently elected officials. After reading the latest repeated court rulings, "Police have NO Duty to protect Citizens". After trying to anticipate the future course of our Great Nation. After reading and listening to endless media Bias Against Guns
After a lifetime of 'Non-Concern' about our constitutional rights being always upheld and a sense of well being for my family. I, over the recent years of anti-gun political rhetoric, came to the carefully weighed decision, that as a Lawful lifetime Citizen of the USA, this is the time to exercise my United States Constitutional Second Amendment Legal Right. Whether I actually ever 'Carry Concealed' or not, when or where, I will let the 'bad guys' figure that one out.
Here is one Canadian that finally realized what his country gave up
The Truth About Concealed Carry
I also reached the decision to Legally Enforce
Public Response to Congress attempting to restrict gun ownership to 'The Authorities'..
Next a phone call to an established, well trusted, area Gun Shop Ron Peterson's Guns
Concealed Carry Classroom Day;
I picked up my son on Saturday morning and we drove to the Sandoval County Judicial Complex
Country singer Jerry Reed referred to one in song, A 'Man Of The Cloth', called him 'Amos Moses'
Reid our TI, started breaking the cold icy stares of his future 'gunslingers' immediately, asking how many in the class had ever been arrested? We wisely kept our hands down on that one. He told us he had many times...but only in other countries... He then said that if you do get arrested, make sure it is only in the USA, we would not like the other countries legal systems. Now he was getting loose with stories about his background, which you may read about on this link for OMEGA DEFENCE
LUKE 22:38
The stories of many other countries and his missions, Guatemala, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam.... The stories alone were worth the time to attend this class. The individual family members of Reids, all have their own stories as well I am sure. His wife's background is closely parallel, that's what attracted Reid to her in the first place according to one story he told. Funny now, not so funny when it happened I am sure. His pretty daughter also is licensed to carry concealed and helps out with the paper process at the end of the class.
In NM alone, there are 244 state authorized instructors. After seeing the wide range of Freedom loving, Patriotic, law abiding US Citizens over the age of 21, in just this one class (there are many hundreds/thousands of similar classes going on across the entire USA at any given time), I get a sense of how big (over 2 million certified as of July 2008, 3 million most likely now) this CCW-CHC movement is getting in the USA today, especially since the Second Amendment threatening, rhetoric of these recent elections. When you are in a restaurant, a store or any public place in NM or 47 other states now
We travel the state of Texas often and feel much safer there, knowing that in the restaurant, standing near your car, or anywhere other licensed CCW-CHC Citizens are most likely armed, than the few remaining states with highly restrictive concealed carry weapons laws (similar to Mumbai India or recently Germany with it's stringent gun laws). The Texas Luby's fiasco before CCW
Statistics show that the states that allow licensed concealed Carry of Firearms by trained Citizens, are far safer and crime rates drop. Far more law enforcement officers are proponents of licensed and trained CCW. I guess that old 'catch and release' (lawyers like it,.. keeps them in work) of our legal system, just fails to keep the 'Bad Guys' off the streets?
The bad guys apparently do not like the idea of the person next in line, or standing outside at the 'Stop and Rob', having a deadly weapon concealed in their pocket. That extremely likely scenario now, apparently does not appeal to them in those CCW-CHC states. Of course there are always the really clueless 'Bad Guys' who then become 'victims' of their own risky profession. I guess they need to Unionise? they already have strong supporters in Congress and the Main Stream Media. "An armed society is a polite society". Armed Citizens are far less likely to become Victims.
Avoidance of the situation. This is the Omega, or last option. Do NOT Escalate ANY conflict situation, or raise the threat level to that of Violence. Leave the scene Before Violence is the outcome. As a CCW citizen you have absolutely Nothing to gain and far more to Loose, by 'Standing Your Ground', it is your own Future hanging in that few seconds of Choice. As an Armed Citizen, you now have assumed an awesome responsibility. The decision to take another human beings life.
The OH NO! factor, immediately followed by... 'Kill 'em'! ..emotions are natural.
Read the book, On Killing' by Lt Col Dave Grossman
Google concealed Carry clothing. example... 5.11's
Reid mentioned that women might prefer a concealed 'upper thigh strapped' rig. He jokingly said that there was "Something 'Frisky' about the concept". I have since read, it is an effective 'diversion of attention' as they raise their skirt while drawing. For a male attacker... time stands still.
An innocent belt camera case? A fanny pack
SAFETY!..every weapon is loaded..never forget rule, handle it as ready to fire at all times.
NEVER POINT a weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy..kill.
Finger OFF trigger until ready to fire.
Be Aware of the target......In front as well as behind. Bullets travel great distances. Hollow Points, as used by law enforcement, are actually safer, they stop in the body mass of the attacker.
AWARENESS of surroundings...repeated often.
Storage; out of reach of unauthorised persons. Locks prevent use;.. by others as well as yourself. In an instantanious emergency, an unloaded gun is as useful as a rock. Decision; what is most important for your own environment, situation.
Types of weapons. Semi-autos...Revolvers; Actions, single vs double...individual parts of the weapon, various safeties or lack of.
Ballistics and Cartridge components.
Extremely Important, and to be considered by all contemplating this Action of Last Resort,... Are YOU Mentally and Physically prepared to take a life, to Save your own or that of others? Deal with the Aftermath?
UNIVERSAL HUMAN PHOBIA;... fear of conflict with another human.. training methods to overcome it.
Physical Body Response; during the conflict.. Fine motor skills diminish (clip change, reloading).. Tunnel vision under the extreme duress.. Auditory exclusion of surrounding sounds....Time Distortion during the actual Confrontation (slow motion)... Blocking or Innacuracy of Memory after the intense conflict (why you demand an attorney). Bernard Goetz
Marksmanship; Safety First, be aware of background and line of fire...sight alignment...sight picture during the confrontation. Trigger control...breathing...stance (Weaver, Low Ready, Others)
Presentation-grip, Rock and Lock, Safety off (muscle memory) as raised up on target to 'ready', Assess Threat Level, ...'FIRE',... Multiple shots.. reload as neccessary. Be aware of, and Consider The Mozambique Drill
The Break, and Search/Clear,... Re-Holster ONLY after scene is CLEAR of any remaining threat.
Many officers have lost their lives because of another threat not noticed after they have dispatched the main Attacker.
TUNNEL VISION, immediately sweep the area with your 'eyes and weapon' still at the fire 'Ready' to break the tunnel vision.
STRESS of violent encounter causes blood from extremities to flow to central body mass. Pale, ashen face, cold extremities. 'Loss of' bodily fine motor skills (reloading bullets into a magazine or cylinder) and often bowel and urinary tract control.
This all sounds cool when Reid tells it but I guarantee, it is not easy to do under even the lesser of conditions, let alone an actual gunfight. Use your range time to frequently practice these learned (muscle memory) reflex motions, including 'Draw and Fire'.
Concealed Carry options and equipment... Reid passed around various pieces of his own equipment to allow the class to inspect and satisfy our observations up close, after he described the function of each part in everyday language... Low light conditions... note; a small extremely bright, tactical style, Energizer Lithium Aluminum 3 watt LED light, is readily available at TARGET
Reid is 'the guy next door' and would have made a really fun kid to 'hang with'. If I had hung out with Reid, I would have joined the Marine Corps. Oh well in the USAF of the mid fifties, we did 'fly high' and fire the little M1 30 cal Carbine.
Malfunctions...loading/unloading of various types of weapons.
failure to fire, misfire, hang fire, squib (weak) load. Officers have had lightly inserted magazines fall out on first fired round, therefore 'Slap or Tap' magazine to seat properly each time.
Revolvers.. dirty cleaning, and reloading options, speed loaders, safety devices.
Pistol (semi-auto) cleaning weapon and magazines, Safety mechanisms..'Out of Battery' (slide not completely in fire position), 'Tap and Rack' to eject and re-chamber another round...double feed...'stovepipe' half ejected position of spent casing (clear with fast flat hand action, front to back) then;
'Tap and Rack'...'slap bottom of magazine into position' and 'Rack' (pull back and snap release) of slide. Maintenance and thoroughly cleaning periodically and immediately after a day of firing, a life may depend on it.
Clear... weapon of live rounds.. Pistol, Magazine OUT 'then' 'Rack' the slide to eject any round in chamber... Slide Lock open to show clear.
Revolvers; cylinder open and show clear of rounds.
Maintain and develop skills through frequent practice, exercise to stress, then practice shooting to simulate real life conditions. Mechanical 'Failures' and reloading skills...tactical courses and low light conditions.
Firearms Clubs, Ranges..competitive shooting to re-enforce the 'Muscle Memory' in actual circumstances of raised stress levels.
Advanced training options...Thunder Ranch
LAW...when and legality to fire the weapon.
Review of NM code CCW Act NM 30-2-7 ....Justifiable Homicide by Citizen.
Protect self or others from death/serious injury.....Definetly NOT property.
Escape... first option.. Remove yourself from the possible conflict..if safe to do so.
Do not 'Brandish' or theaten to draw your weapon, unless you are actually fully prepared to fire it to save yours or someone elses life. Remember, 'The last resort' after all other options have been fully exhausted.
Florida's Castle Doctrine
A 'KNIFE'; in the hand of an attacker is a lethal weapon and will kill or maim within a 25 foot (7.6m) distance BEFORE your weapon can be drawn and fired
Increase Distance from Attacker
'Less Than Lethal' options... avoidance, Countermeasures.
Avoid likely dangerous situations.
Defuse Situations. Do not escalate the situation with counter threats. Be aware of possible mental conditions or impairment due to drugs or alcohol. Enlarged pupils, bad teeth, 'needle tracks' (look like scratches) on arms.
Non-Confrontational manner, Back Away, while maintaining AWARENESS of surroundings and possible attack.
AWARENESS of the scene around you at all times. Potential of an attack or situation. Reid mentions the notoriously dangerous, 'Stop and Rob' (7-11) with a robbery in progress being a potential for an un-aware customer to become a victim.
Well Lighted areas are safer, Remote or hidden parking is a possible danger zone to avoid. As Denny Crane
ALTERNATES; Pepper Spray pros and cons. Cell phones, other tools ( blades, stun guns, tazers, Kubotans, tactical flashlights, etc) A 'fast', STRONG double handed 'fist grab and outward twist' 'IF PRACTISED REGULARLY', will take down an unaware attacker.
DIVERSION; Turn weakside to atacker, hold up hand to divert attention, with 'strong hand', (gun side hand) away from view, draw weapon/safety off, and fire multiple times.
AFTERMATH: After use of 'the last resort' deadly force...Call for help (911), secure the area if safe to do so.
First aid...Basic initial statement NOT recommended. Immediately ask for attorney representation! (strongly recommended for your own protection in following civil spin?). A Prosecutor can and will use ANY voluntary statement against you. Remember.. "What You Say, Can Be Misquoted and Will Be Used Against You".
Having a small pepper spray on your person during an 'encounter' is possibly a Positive piece of 'evidence' in your favor, in a court of law. Shows 'non-lethal' options available at time of encounter.
If 'Personal Safety' forces you to leave the area, take the Attackers weapon with you, Weapons Quickly Dissapear From the Scene.
Criminal Investigation, procedures and what to expect, Civil Proceedings, Grand Jury.
TIME WARP; during the actual violent encounter, slow motion imagery... Stress and Trauma following the intense encounter, you will have False or blocked memory.. fear/shaking is natural.
Range Safety rules and Qualify procedure. Fingerprint all applicants after class session. Long day but so much information to absorb that it passed rapidly, 10 hours in our own personal experience.
NOT EVER to mix 'Booze and Bullets', honor all 'NO FIREARMS' signs. Thouroughly read the firearms statutes (primarily NM in our case) States variations in CCW, typically available at gunshops.
Qualify Day; at the range came with much anticipation. These classes are getting so large that they have to be broken into several days to prevent long waits between 'hot firing' sessions on the line.
Qualify day;
My Son and I met our TI, Reid Haskamp of OMEGA DEFENCE at the County Judicial Complex, 1200 Monday 18 Nov 2008. We formed up our 'convoy' for our 'Thunder Run' to the range. A lengthy patrol along paved streets for much of the way, then 'off road', well actually on a washboard dirt road, many 'klik's into the deserts of NM. Soon our patrol met up with the security gate of the 'FOB'? (forward operating base) Del Norte Gun Club.
With great authority, Reid waved his card at the automatic gate. With Reid's hand signals, our 'Stryker Patrol' proceeded through the gate and formed up at a walled handgun bunker down the hill. Backing into position to have some tailgates to sit on, we listened to Reid describe our day's procedure, as he worked setting up his targets for our qualifying fire. Range safety is stressed repeatedly and our orders of the day were gone over.
Range safety rules.... Qualification, 10.8.2 15(B) guidelines 12 X 18 target. (central body mass)
Research of all conflicts of self defence resulting in a gunfight, show that the majority happen within 3 to 7 yards (2.7 to 6.4m) distance.
The 3 yard (2.7m) position, is for the first rounds of 15 shots. Reid jokingly showed that if a shooter has real long arms, he is almost half way there. The second position is 7 yards (6.4m) 15 rounds. The target is central body mass size, white paper stapled to a cardboard base held up at standing height on 1 X 2 (25mm X 50mm) wooden legs. Reid said don't shoot the legs please.
Reid has lots of humerous sayings and is smiling 'somewhat' as he goes over some real actions of past 'patrols' on his range. Shots at the walls, up in the high berm and into the ground. I noticed the tables were not riddled with holes, so shots must not have been fired off at 'The Low Ready' under Reid's command by many Pistoleros
The first volunteers were the 'Fast and Furious'. The Dalton Gang
'Go Hot' Reid barked... "The gang of Regulators in their long dusters, all lined up on the wooden boardwalk, staring coldly at the drunken gold miner in the dirt"... No wait that may have been from Clint Eastwoods film, Pale Rider
Anyway Possie # 1 all loaded up and prepared for Reid's next command. "Low Ready" (guns pointed downrange and held low at 135 deg). Most of these 'gunslingers' stood in the semi-lean, and angled to the target, two handed grip known as The Weaver Stance
"GUN" ..... All hell broke loose like in 'Tomestone' gunfight at the OK Coral
As each gunner reloaded as fast as possible and finished the fifteen rounds, his/her weapon, still pointing downrange, was made 'Clear' and locked open. On this day, we didn't have to scan the scene, with our weapon ready to fire additional rounds, for more bad guys who might be still standing. Reid says we should make it our normal practice though.. Habit. Reid doesn't really like any bad guys left around to complicate our everyday lives.
After returning to 'Low Ready', 'Cleared',.. 'Go Cold'.., laying our open weapons on the table, Reid walked the shooters to their individual targets for a discussion of the patterns each produced. 'Now this one looks like a Butterfly and'....Oh wait that is a 'Rorschach ink pattern Test', not a bullet pattern. I sure do get confused with all of this violence and mayhem around me...tsk, tsk. Command.. "Recover gear, move off the line".
The next 'Posse of Possums' "We Have Met the Enemy ...and He Is Us"
Our Magnificent Seven
I immediately did as Reid demonstrated in class, and quickly 'Tapped' the magazine, 'Racked' the slide back a second time, ejecting the unfired round. Pointing it out on the ground to Reid, who was watching intently as I did the procedure he trained, all of the while holding the weapon pointed downrange. I then commenced to fire all remaining 9, which then totaled 19 in all...we were only supposed to fire 15 total. Guess I really was into this 'firefight', as Reid say's happens in the Heat of Battle.
After firing the NM required stations, we went 'Clear' then 'Cold' then stepped back away from the table. I had stepped back a litle too far and Reid immediately corrected my position. As I looked over to see how my son was doing, I noticed a tight group of holes on his target. He scored a 100 and I only scored 96. (one 'flyer' off the paper) My son had a pleased look on his face. His Grandfather, whose ancestors and kin, were Texas Rangers, US as well as Territorial Marshals, Sheriffs, and any other Badged Law Enforcement Officers needed, would all be proud.
The 77 year old preacher with health issues, who had never fired a handgun, was absolutely the best with such a tight group of holes it looked like a large single hole. Of course Reid, always joking, mentioned to him that it only counted as one hole. The preacher can obviously 'Save them from the pulpit' or 'Dispatch them to their Creator', whichever their choice may be.
We were allowed to 'stage' and fire various weapons as we desired until everyone was satisfied. The paperwork formality was signed by Reid. We left him to clean up the brass which he donates. Reid said that no matter how many times he does this, with every type of group of shooters, he gets wound up. (Tight as a watch spring? watches had springs when I was young). The silence afterward, while casually walking around, looking for, and picking up the little brass casings we ejected all over the place, is his time of quiet solitude and thankful reflection on another safe, successful day.
Ours wasn't quite like 'this' shooting range
The only problem now is finding ammunition. This surge of newly certified CCW Citizens is causing an unprecedented buying frenzy at gun retailers. Shortages of ammunition and popular handguns are becoming normal. With 'four million' (on track to double within five years) Certified CCW today, the demand is higher than ever in peacetime history. Watch for the Liberal News Media to endlessly 'spin' this in their anti-gun direction with Set-up scenarios and reporting loudly 'Crisis', about the Gun, while discounting the root causation of overall Violence. News and politicians are endlessly dismissing the legalities of being disarmed and helpless, an easy target for attack and/or atrocity. NRA, as well as other national 'Gun' sites, offers Insurance to pay legal fees, hire expert lawyers and defend the law abidng gun owner in court.
Trip to the NMDPS
Thank you Reid, for your dedication and sharing of your extensive experience with the Patriotic and concerned citizens of the USA. Our Lord willing, May we never be forced to use this power of last resort, 'The Omega' Defense..
May The Greatest Nation the world has ever known, remain FREE..One Nation Under GOD.