Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Antidepressants, Drugs = Violent USA

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SSRI’s …Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors…
 Molecular chains, ‘Designed’ (Designer Drugs), Created in Laboratories, are NOT Natural. They are now rampant in prescription and use, across overwhelmingly the entire USA (now the most Drug addicted nation in History), as well as to a miniscule percentage, the rest of the world, both legally and illegally, prescribed or used as an ‘Enhancer’ of the brain’s natural functions.  A Unipolar person can easily  become Bipolar. Bipolar individuals are at a drastically increased risk of an imbalance/blunting of Emotions. US society now has a 'Diagnosed' (countless are NOT diagnosed) Bipolar rate of over 4% roaming among the law abiding 'normal' citizens at any given time. Note the recent Atrocities to observe the predictable effects.

Correctly administering a chemically altered ‘balance’ and closely monitoring it, are nearly impossible due to the individual patient’s erratic behavioral self control. The same ‘self control’, that is being adjusted by the Psychiatric attempt at altering the thought processes of the ‘at risk’ person. Circular Logic comes into play, Nay, it Overrides all Logic.

SSRI’s are so thorough in their incessant penetration of the brain’s receptors, they drastically alter/disrupt the body’s ‘own’ natural production of Serotonin. The list of brand names is lengthy and changing as ongoing compounding continues. Hundreds of Lawsuits are quietly settled ‘after’ an ‘incident’, which indicates a very serious problem, not encouraged to be presented to the public. The unimaginable Power of the pharmaceutical industry and it's myriad of distribution levels, is reason to fear their profit motivated onslaught.

Prozac is well known. Prestiq, Effezor, Luvox, Halcion, Strattera, Lariam, Paxil, Chanix, Lexapro, Welbutrin Celaxa, Zoloft, Anafranil, Seroxat, Cymbalta, Fanapt (Reportedly the Drug being taken by Lanza, the young, under 25, Connecticut shooter).

Under 25, considered ‘Children’ in studys, is the most vulnerable age group for drastically  increased irrational, unpredictable behavior….. Amphetamine fall into the same category and are sought during increasingly violent, Pharmacy ‘invasions’ by desperate Addicts, Druggies, Career Repeat Offenders, now ‘encouraged’ by the US court system, to roam as ‘chemically enhanced’, uninhibited Predators on society.
Clinically administered at tax Payers expense, Methadone, only increases the potential for violence.

School statistics of over 60 incidents of recorded Violence offer proof. Joe Giambrone offers his assessment to the growing list of people becoming aware of the massive Drug problem now sweeping the United States of America. When Liberals finally recognize a growing problem, it is really immense.

Antidepressant use in 18 to 44 year old individuals across the USA, have Soared… by 400% since 1988 (reported by US Center for Disease Control). Ely Lilly (among others) studies resulted in ‘Black Box Warnings’ placed on All Antidepressants. The brain’s Receptors are chemically altered. Reported are feelings of Restlessness and an ominous sense of… “I MUST Do Something”… Anything !

A feeling of Detachment from reality, a total lack of Emotion, Fear is greatly diminished, Common sense is easily lost or disregarded. Hostility against others is common, with unprecedented violence often the result. Remorse is totally absent ‘After’ any Violent ‘accomplishment’ of hostility towards humanity/society.

Empathy towards the suffering of others, is replaced with a blank brain response of Denial. Self Worth is radically enhanced or rapidly diminished during many periods. Mood Swings, the Drugged personality has no cognizant fear of losing their own life. On the contrary, Suicide is ‘expected’ to follow their morbidly planned ‘accomplishment’ of ‘Doing Something’. Suicidal thoughts/actions rise with the use of Antidepressants. Note the recent revelation of the US Military now losing More soldiers to Suicide than combat. US troops of today are offered Depressants far more times than not. When they do predictably commit 'atrocities' while under prescribed drugs, the blame is placed on the soldier.

The latest stats for SSRI’s are disturbing to say the least. The ‘Stats’ are naturally altered to protect the Pharmaceutical Companies that prosper immensely by advertising, accelerating their disbursement around the entire world. New England Journal of Medicine noted in it’s own publication. “Bias designed to increase greater distribution by Positive’s, and downplay Negative reports, is rampant among the Pharmaceuticals”.

 ‘Risk to Benefit’ ratios are greatly exaggerated. Published (pharmaceutic-ally funded, 'biased' ghost written) reports attribute a 94% positive, when in reality only a 51% overall positive exists.. Neuroscience professional Eliot Valanenstein, “Evidence Not supported” as to effectiveness of Antidepressants.

Internationally Acclaimed Critic, Dr David Healy Psychiatrist.. Ireland  is  added to the rapidly growing list of detractors.
Major pharmaceuticals overwhelmingly Fund mental health institutions, thereby rendering Any negative reports as ‘not acceptable’…to their highly profitable International business structure. Dr Healy testified in ‘Tobin vs Smith Kline’ 2001 (1998 family killing rampage) resulting in a $6.4 million payout by Smith Kline… while accepting no blame. Many such 'payouts' are silently made, all while accepting no blame.

Natural Genetics play a strong role and not all children/adults are affected in the same way. Prenatal use of Antidepressants is an ongoing study, of course being done by the immensely  biased Drug companies themselves.

Noted as of record, behavioral Problems and long term difficulties such as Autism, in addition to the extensive list of 'other' problems are being reported by Physicians. To have chemically ‘enhanced’ emotional ‘Highs’, irrationally laughing at serious circumstances/subjects (such as exhibited by the US Vice President during the 2012 ‘Debates’?).

 Having no concerns (emotional 'Blunting') of Others being discomforted, or them to feel uneasy with hostile, antagonistic advances. A feeling of being Invincible, ‘bullet proof’ is common, as exhibited during the well known, Drug driven ‘Hollywood Bank Robbery’ (videos on you tube). Dilated pupils (note famous police photo of Aurora Theater shooter), as with other mind altering Drugs, is only one outward indication.

Dr Peter R. Breggin, the very respected physician that was given the task to research the huge amount of collected data on the use and near exhaustive clinical trials of Antidepressants, reported his findings before Congress.  His reports primarily cover the US Military, members of which are given the drugs, to fight depression in soldiers, while not reporting the severe Risks to the soldier or his family.

The exact opposite is the end result. It actually ‘enhances’ their capacity for ‘Mania’ associated with increased propensity for Violence. Note the recent Violent ‘Atrocities’ committed by highly stressed Military personnel ..on prescribed ‘Drugs’. The agenda driven US govt reacts by punishing the soldier, to whom  they themselves Administered the Drugs.

Schools (predictable Victims, located in irresponsibly mandated ‘Gun Free Zones’) alone, but not restricted to, have reported huge Violence increases, as listed on this site with randomly collected data…    …… It is reported that ‘Lanza’ the latest school shooter (in the most At Risk age group, of less than 25 years of age) was on Prescription Meds…. ‘FANAPT’. The media is Not prone to release data that goes against agenda driven ‘news’ and their overpowering Politics.

Children on Antidepressants are 80-130% HIGHER Risk of suicide, Agitation, Hostility or Mania leading to Violence, ‘After’ being prescribed antidepressants. Alcohol, Meth, Sudafed, Ectasy, cough suppressants and some herbals such as St John’s Wort, can Increase the toxicity of designer Antidepressants.

In the NM Alb Journal of Jan 3 2013, Leslie Linthicum reported, we have a Dr. Pawan Kumar Jain in Las Cruces NM with 3,233 patients. He has distributed 3,028,939 doses of pain meds (primarily Oxycodone). At least 21 deaths have occurred of his limited patient list, many of them confirmed Suicides.

The entire staff of UNMH has over 23,000 patients and has distributed a half million 'fewer' doses. Dr. Jain has now lost his NM license to practice, but 'not to worry' he has 49 Other states in which to open a  medical practice. Dr. Jain is educated in India. In the current US medical system, that is now quite common.

Oxycodone with numerous side effects such as Euphoria, was developed in 1916 Germany as a less addictive alternative to Morphine and Heroin. It is derived from Codeine. As of late, it has been reformulated to make it harder to crush, to release the Opiate faster. Label warning says, 'Do Not Crush or release will increase'. Isn't that nice? Of course the now perpetually Drug Addicted USA consumes the lion's share, with 82% of the TOTAL of the entire world's production. Canada and Australia with rampant Socialism equal to the USA, follow closely in percentage per capita.

As a newly intensified Socialist nation we have added to the equation, the new phenomena of 'Students' on govt subsidy, many on SSRI's, having enough governmental 'slush funding' to obtain high priced weaponry to carry out 'Fantasy' attacks of revenge on whomever they deem 'the enemy' (Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Aurora Colo and recently Fla).

Knowing that we have an overwhelming number of people with mental problems, consuming Legal Antidepressants (1.5 million at last estimate) now encouraged to roam freely among law abiding society, while balancing their unstable emotions with Drug addiction. We can now add Illegal use with their proven propensity for Violence and unpredictability. This is NOT the time to Disarm the law abiding Citizens of the  USA. With absolutely No fear of instant reprisal, the parasitic/predatory class are easily encouraged to enact their Fantasies.

 The historically proven end results can be abject terror sweeping the overwhelmingly law abiding, rendered helpless society. A society that succumbed to the misguided siren song of Utopian disarmament. To say nothing of the consequences to predictably follow the weakening of the Bill of Rights, Second Amendment. As an obsessed with Control Govt, that during this time of a 400% increase in legal drug consumption, is ITSELF, including it's ever expanding numbers of Bureaucrats, quite likely on Antidepressants, being in Totalitarian Tyrannical Control over it's Citizens is Not desirable?