Tuesday, September 24, 2013

'EVERYONE' Forced onto Obamacare, EVERYONE! Including the Leaders of The United States of America. No Exemptions! note: of course 'New' Blogger will delete the post

 Here is another email post sent by AOL (may be the problem?) Let's see what shows on 'New' Blogger. Past posts show blank screens. It mentions this sitting president and his enablers in an inconvenient position of Exempting Themselves from the plan they Demand Everyone Else to accept. No obscenities, as are my rules. Seems obscenities are fine to post, but only if mentioning past presidents.
 Posted by guest:

Now I'm going to do something I seldom do, complain about the Republicans. I do not complain about them because for the most part, in Washington D.C. and California, they are irrelevant.

This time I think the GOP is wrong about Obamacare. The House is trying to withhold funding for Obamacare and I think that is wrong. Obmacare is the law of the land now and it should be 100% funded. What I think the GOP should do, and must do to become relevant, is to insist EVERYONE is on Obamacare. Start with the White House and the current parasites who occupy it, their staff, all of Congress AND their staff. The whole Supreme Court, because they approved it, and all city, county, state, and federal workers. All unions, none excepted. If it's so good for everyone else why are the elites exempting themselves? I mean by now Nancy Pelosi has had time to read it, or at least the coloring book version. ALL voters, Republicans and Democrats, and everyone else, Communists, Nazi's, Green's, Black Power, everyone should insist that the rulers and elites in our society have to abide by the same laws the rest of us do. What is so wrong about EQUALITY? In Orwell's "Animal Farm" it is stated that all animals are created equal, just some are more equal. That is wrong! EVERYONE should have Obamacare, no exceptions! write your lawmaker, insist on EQUALITY for everyone.
The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.
Eugene McCarthy
Global Warming is now being questioned as to the facts. Wow, imagine that, it might be wrong. Then Al Gore, who received a Nobel Piece Prize (same as Obama) and an irrelevant Academy Award for his propaganda film would lose out on the carbon trading (a scam if there ever was one). If you believe in carbon trade then how about oxygen trade, or how about hydrogen trade, or how about Di-Hydrogen Monoxide. I have an investment portfolio set up for anyone who wants to buy into these schemes. Just send me the money.
The EXPERTS are still clinging to Global Warming, those whose pay checks depend on it, and are explaining that if you factor out the facts that the earth is cooling and Global Warming wasn't really due to sun spot activity, which has ceased for now, we still have Global Warming due to man made carbon.
That's kind of like the theory of immortality. The theory works if you factor out death.
Show me where I'm wrong.
Guest poster


Blogger Blogengeezer said...

As was expected. No post showing the name of the chosen leader of the world in an unsustainable legal position that drastically affects life across the United States of America.

Here is another email post sent by a guest on AOL (may be the problem?) See what shows on 'New' Blogger. Past posts show blank screens. It mentions this sitting president and his enablers in an inconvenient position of Exempting Themselves from the plan they Demand Everyone Else to accept. No obscenities, as are my rules. Seems obscenities are fine to post, but only if mentioning past presidents.

6:56 AM  

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