Canadian Free Press article from 2010
Impeach Barack, Before His Death Spiral Takes Us All Down
Are the 'Sins of the Fatherless',
the Root of Obama’s Tyranny?
Does Obama’s anti-democratic ideology result
from his dysfunctional childhood? An intriguing book,
Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism,
by Paul Vitz, argues this type background is a
common precursor to the
classic tyrant’s personality.
This suggests Barack’s beef with America
might result
from his own deficient past.
it matter the source of our politician’s mental makeup? Of course it
does. After all, we expect leaders to make policy based on empirical
knowledge, not just knee-jerk reaction to past trauma. For example,
would Americans be pleased if the president outlawed taxis because his
pooch was run over by a Checker Cab 30 years ago?
I Effects of Losing a Father
For death of a young child’s father, effects of a
fatherless childhood
can devastate character development.
Vitz claims the genesis of atheism
and socialism
are often driven by personal childhood tragedies.
Vitz describes how loss of faith in one’s earthly father,
by death,
absence, or from mistreatment, frequently
leads to a loss of faith in
God. This “defective father hypothesis”
gives a compelling explanation
for “intense atheism”
of famous intellectuals and politicians—
the groups
he writes about. Fathers can fail a child in many ways:
By weak and
cowardly behavior, abuse,
or absence through death or abandonment.
Prof Vitz also describes childhoods of noted religious persons,
linking belief to a warm father figure. He does
not claim atheism is
psychologically determined,
but challenges the notion religious faith is
whereas atheism is rigorous.
Vitz claims an especially
difficult window exists between ages 3-5,
when a father’s loss via death is viewed as abandonment.
Also, he claims
a physically abusive father can cause a boy
to rage against all
So a lack of a positive male role model
can translate into an
inability to imagine God as a warm Father,
as described in Judaism and
II The Famous Fatherless
Vitz focuses upon two groups: intellectuals and politicians,
as the
decisions of both are inordinately
influenced by their religious views.
A. Intellectuals Who Lost Fathers
A brief list of atheist intellectuals greatly influencing
the modern age includes:
- David Hume, famed anti-Christian philosopher,
- whose father died when he was 2.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher skeptic,
- whose father committed suicide when Art was 16.
- Ludwig Feuerbach’s father abandoned family
- for another woman when Ludwig was 13.
- Sigmund Freud’s father was a coward,
- sexual pervert, and religious hypocrite.
- Friedrich Nietzsche’s father, a pastor,
- died when he was 5.
- Jean Paul Sartre’s dad died before the boy was 2.
- Albert Camus,’ the existentialist writer,
- lost his father before he was born.
- Thomas Hobbes, atheist philosopher,
- had a hypocrite pastor dad who abandoned family.
- Votaire, famous French anti-religious author,
- hated his father, even changing his family name.
- Philosopher Bertrand “Why I am Not a Christian”
- Russell, lost both parents before age 5.
In addition, America’s most famous atheist
Madalyn Murray O’Hair tried to kill her father
with an 8-inch butcher knife.
B. Special Study: Friedrich Nietzsche
Infamous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche popularized the claim
“God is
Dead.” Hugely influential, especially on Hitler,
he was extremely close
to his father, a Lutheran pastor,
dying when Friedrich was five. Writes
“Nietzsche often spoke positively of his father
and of his death
as a great loss which he never forgot.
But he also saw him as weak and
sickly.” Vitz says he views
“Nietzsche’s rejection of God and
as a rejection of the weakness of his father.”
Nietzsche claimed Christianity lacked a “life force.”
In a strange
reversal, the sickly boy grew to reject
“weakling Christianity” for a
return to macho paganism.
His philosophy idealized “superman” but
denigrated women
(was he homosexual?).
Ironically, sexist Nietzsche went mad,
forcing sister and mother to
care for him, whom
he bitterly described as “machines built for hell.”
Dr. Vitz writes,
“It is not surprising that for Nietzsche Christian
was something for women.”
C. Political Leaders With Daddy Problems
Josef Stalin’s
father, Vissarion, was despised by his son
for his heavy drinking and
Josef was very close with his mother, Ekaterina,
but hated
his father after watching
him repeatedly come home drunk
and beat-up his
mom. Vissarion regularly drank away
the family income, and Joseph was
himself also often beaten,
coming to instinctively loathe all authority.
Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
had a
violent relationship with his father,
with the two often coming
to blows.
Dad objected to his son’s laziness and impudence.
Mao hated
his father and later commented he wished him alive
so he could torture
Adolf Hitler’s father was a petty bureaucrat
who retired from
the civil service just in time to discipline
7-year-old Adolf. Alois
Hitler had a brutal temper and
the young Fuhrer absorbed everyday
That intellectual atheists, driven towards godlessness
by cruel or
absent fathers, would dictate heartless creeds,
should surprise no
one—nor “leaders”
so brutalized as kids they became permanent rebels.
These predictably longed to lord power over others,
pleased to
sadistically brutalize innocent citizens
expressing inexhaustible
demonic needs to hurt others.
For example, Chairman Mao spoke of the
he felt hearing reports of people being beaten, maimed and
III Obama’s Childhood
A. Barack’s Fatherlessness
That Obama titled a book after his dad shows how
deeply affected he was
by the loss. It also explains
looking anywhere for pseudo-dads, even to
like Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, and Rev Wright.
In Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,
Barack claims he organized his life on his Father’s ideals,
“All of my life, I carried a single image of my father,
one that I ..
tried to take as my own.” (p. 220)
This image was “the father of my
the man in my mother’s stories, full of high-blown ideals ..”
(p. 278) Moreover, Barack says,
“It was into my father’s image .. that
I’d packed all the attributes
I sought in myself…” And,
“I did feel that
there was something to prove
.. to my father” in his work as a
community organizer. (p. 230)
(credible evidence exists strongly
Barack had a ghostwriter for his biographies).
Obama’s father was a “Drunk and a Bigot,”
fathering eight children through bigamy. The paper writes,
We have discovered that his father was not
just a deeply
flawed individual but an
abusive bigamist and an egomaniac,
whose life
was ruined not by racism or corruption
but his own weaknesses.
devastatingly, the testimony has come from
Mr Obama’s own relatives and
family friends.
He graduated from Harvard, and one professional paper
written as a Kenya state economist
shows a committed Marxist.
IBD quotes his economic views,
“What is more important is to find means by which we can
our economic gains to the benefit of all,”
said the senior Obama, a
Harvard-educated economist.
“This is the government’s obligation.”
The “means” he had in mind were confiscatory taxes
on a scale that redefines the term “progressive taxation.”
“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop
government from taxing 100% of income
so long as the people get benefits
from the government
commensurate with their income which is taxed.”
Regarding Obama’s father’s life, a 2008 Boston Globe story says…
Once one of Kenya’s most promising young professionals,
he did not handle political exile well. He was involved in
a series of
car crashes, many of them involving alcohol,
one of which ultimately
took his life.
Obama’s decline was rapid. “He was a self-involved,
egotistical, vivid person,” recalled a friend.
“But in his core he was
to Africa, to freedom and justice.
It seemed like it was about
him, but in the end it was not.
It was really all about hope.” (emphasis added)
After one of his many car accidents,
Obama visited his 10-year-old
son in Hawaii in 1971,
the first and only time he saw him, since he left
nine years earlier.
The visit lasted a month, and was not easy…
Jr., wrote he
“began to count the days until my father would leave
things would return to normal.”
B. Abandonment
Barack Senior was offered a Harvard slot,
ultimately abandoning infant son and young wife to attend
when Junior was two. Barack’s mother also ultimately
abandoned him, according to a SFGate article,
And when Obama asked to stay in Hawaii for high school
rather than return to Asia, she accepted living apart -
a decision her
daughter says
was one of the hardest in her mother’s life.
“She felt that somehow, wandering through uncharted territory,
might stumble upon something that will, in an instant,
seem to represent
who we are at the core,”
said Maya Soetoro-Ng,
Obama’s half sister.
“That was very much her philosophy of life - to
not be limited
by fear or narrow definitions, to not build walls around
and to do our best to find kinship
and beauty in unexpected
Barack’s father was a bigamist alcoholic
abandoning family for career, His mother also abandoned him
to follow mystical, socialist, Hippy instincts.
The Seattle Times described her,
“For four years on Mercer Island,
Stanley Ann Dunham impressed her
high-school classmates
with a wickedly sharp wit. She was an
“intellectual rebel”
with a fledgling beatnik sensibility that would
ventually take her around the globe.”
Obama’s leftist grandparents took custody,
providing a stable environment and an
elite Hawaiian prep-school education.
C. Abuse
Barack suffered profound
psychological harm from abandonment.
evidence suggests Barack was possibly sexually abused
by a leftist
libertine mentor his grandfather arranged for him
, Franklin Marshall Davis. One writer says,
For seven years, the presidential candidate had a
“father-son” relationship with Frank Marshall Davis,
who has confessed
to having sex with children,
sadomasochism, bondage and practicing
wide array of deviant sexual activities.
In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father,
Obama identifies his
childhood mentor only as
“Frank,” but Obama insiders later confirmed
was referring to Davis, a journalist and poet
who was a pal of Obama’s
maternal grandfather,
Stanley Dunham.
Davis was a Black writer and Marxist.
But is an admitted bisexual deviant pedophile
an acceptable role model
for a fatherless young man?
They met at the height of Barack’s
at age 10, when he left Indonesia
and his father came to
Davis confesses many unsavory acts in
his hard-core pornographic blue novel,
“I could not truthfully deny that this book,
which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic,
was mine.” The appalling catalog
of admitted real-life decadence
is laced with perverted sexual activity, bisexuality, rape -
the seduction of children. “Davis’ admission
he wrote this disturbing
book exposes Obama’s mentor
as living a secret double life - and as a
sexual pervert”...
Also are detailed other facts:
“...under certain circumstances I am bisexual…
a voyeur
and an exhibitionist” who was
“occasionally mildly interested in
adding: “I have often wished I had two penises
to enjoy
simultaneously the double—but different—
sensations of oral and genital
The book, which closely tracks Mr Davis’s life in Chicago
and Hawaii
and the fact that his first wife was black
and his second white,
describes in lurid detail
a series of shockingly sordid sexual
often involving group sex.
One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr Davis
and his first wife of a
13-year-old girl called Anne.
Mr Davis wrote that it was the girl
had suggested he had sex with her.
“I’m not one to go in for Lolitas.
I’d rather not bed a babe under 20.
“But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to
disappoint the trusting
child. At her still-impressionistic age,
a rejection might be traumatic,
could even cripple her sexually for life.”
Some commentators ask if Frank Davis
might be Obama’s real father,
and if “Anne” was mother, Ann Durham.
This might explain why Barack’s folks never cohabited.
Could Davis been
both father and molester to his own progeny?
Intriguingly, a disturbing poem by 19-year-old
Obama titled “POP” might throw light
upon his troubling relationship with Davis.
Some lines seem to suggest Barack was molested by Davis.
“POP,” which relates, in an unseemly excerpt:
Pop switches channels, takes another
Shot of Seagrams, neat, and asks
What to do with me, a green young man…
Pop takes another shot, neat,
Points out the same amber
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
Makes me smell his smell…
D. Results: Pathological Narcissism?
Doctor Ali Sinan has written upon his suspicions
Barack Obama is a pathological narcissist,
in Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer.
Sinan writes,
Like Hitler and Khomeini, Obama also likes to
create a
cult of personality around himself.
When a large number of a population
is discontent,
a charismatic leader can seize the opportunity and
present himself as the agent of change.
He can create a cult of
Personality by
associating himself with the idea of change.
convinces everyone that things are terrible
and a drastic change is
He then casts himself as the only person who can
deliver this
revolutionary transformation everyone
is waiting for. He portrays
himself as a benevolent guide;
the only one who cares about people and
their needs
and can pull them out of their alleged misery.
In reality,
they have no clue
about how to address the problem
- have no experience,
no track record.
But they are convincing because they are self assured.
Sinan quotes Dr. Sam Vaknin, from
Barack Obama - Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?,
discussing if Obama suffers from
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD),
"One determining factor in the
development of NPD is
childhood abuse.
“Obama’s early life was decidedly chaotic
and replete
with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations.
Mixed-race marriages
were even less common then.
His parents went through a divorce
when he
was an infant (two years old).
Obama saw his father only once again,
before he died in a car accident. Then, his mother re-married
and Obama
had to relocate to Indonesia:
a foreign land with a radically foreign
to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten,
he was
whisked off to live with
his maternal (white) grandparents.
He saw his
mother only intermittently
in the following few years, and then she
vanished from his life
in 1979. She died of cancer in 1995.”
IV Policies & Strategies
For brevity’s sake, suffice it that Obama is not merely a leftist,
but suspected of socialism by over 50% of Americans.
Farther left as probably any president in history,
debating the details of whether he’s
socialist, Marxist, statist,fascist or corporatist
is probably not meaningful. But Barack’s hidden motivations
for failed
policies, while pouring our assets down the commode,
honoring dead
atheists, is certainly rich fodder for discourse,
as it could destroy
V Possible Obama Mental Problems
One professional head-shrinker
lists possible Obama problems:
Mental illness; Narcissism; Asperger’s Syndrome;
Drug-abuse affects;
After-affects of child abuse,
writing “Obama is flat
when passion is needed;
he’s aggressive when
savvy is required.
What’s most worrisome is that
Obama doesn’t even
realize that his behavior is inappropriate.”
But this could explain
Obama’s strange reactions,
such as laughing at GM’s bankruptcy, or playing golf
the Gulf oil spill.
Again, Dr. Vaknin wrote,
“If we look into the
childhood of all narcissists,
we can see that invariably they were
Pathological narcissism is a reaction to prolonged
abuse and
trauma in early childhood or early adolescence.”
A list of Obama’s
narcissistic behavior is found here.
It’s not pretty.
VI What Can Be Done?
Barack clearly fits the profile of young boys
traumatized by loss of a father, turning to atheistic gods.
It’s reported Obama no longer attends church.
But don’t be shocked at
old friends remembering his Marxist self-identity,
and a two-decade attendance at a Marxist-fixated church
under a racist crackpot “pastor”
espousing socialist wealth-redistribution ideals.
It fits the larger pattern.
All the elements of Barack Junior’s ideology mirror
Obama Senior’s Marxist beliefs.
Vitz explains a fatherless son can reject all authority,
God, but still espouse his dead father’s leftist beliefs,
perhaps in a
vain attempt to please beyond the grave.
This publication has recently argued
(here: article 1; article 2; article 3)
the only logical escape
from the Obama Death Spiral (ODS) is
and quick. Otherwise, America must watch captive as a
as unhinged as the deranged Colonel Kurtz
from Apocalypse Now,
lacking any method at all,
continues to force suicidal decisions upon our once prosperous,
virtuous and confident Republic.
Kelly OConnell Most recent columns
Kelly O’Connell hosts American Anthem on CFP Radio Sundays at 4 pm (EST).
Kelly O’Connell is an author
and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and
matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the
Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended
law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in
Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of
academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and
society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate
professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district
attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law
practice in New Mexico. Kelly is now host of a daily, Monday to Friday
talk show at AM KOBE called AM Las Cruces w/Kelly O’Connell
Kelly can be reached at: hibernian1@gmail.com