Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Ms Fluke
By now everyone in the country knows that an African-centric youth (fraudulently depicted across national media, as a ten year old innocent little boy) was shot and killed by a non-African-centric because maybe the 6' 3" African-centric football player was beating down on the Non-African-centric...overweight Hispanic? Anyway the African-centric, Trayvon Martin, was shot (note: in self defense) and the African-centric crowd is up in arms, literally (note: as we often said 'back in the day'...Going Ape).
What you are sure to hear (?) from the Fairness and Equality-centric media, very soon, is that Saturday, in a suburb of Los Angeles, an African-centric walked into an electronics shop, put two bullets into the senior Honkey-centric's head, killing him.... then walked out with some electronics gear.
There was a customer that the honkey-centric was talking to at the time, video surveillance Positively identified the African-centric killer, who was apprehended with the stolen property. (note: racist security cameras?)
I'm sure any moment now, President Obama will be making a White House podium, impromptu statement, that the African-centric killer "looked like his son".... "if he had a son". I know that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Karen Bass and the rest of the Afro-centric community are on their way to Los Angeles airport, to conduct violent Demonstrations denouncing the killing of a senior Honkey by an Afro-centric kid.
I am certain that the 'new' Black Panthers are printing up "wanted dead or alive" posters for the Afro-centric killer. Of course the Afro-centric killer is captured, but hey, need to get the attention of 'their media'.
What? This story won't be in the headlines for weeks on end? Why is that? Just another day in the Hood? Afro-centric shoots Honkey cop. No demonstrations? Just anther day in the Hood? Honkey cops should 'stay out' of 'the Hood'. What, you didn't see this story? Why it was 'Barely' reported in LA CAL.
Yes! Prejudice, Racism, Vigilante justice, and Mob rule is alive and well in the U.S. Just ask the president of the United States and his lock step 'Liberal Leftist' supporters.
One more point about Sandra Fluke, the 30 year old law student who requires thousands of dollars in birth control devices (must be Really popular?), paid for by the tax Payers, while she finishes her three years of law school.
Ms. Fluke is a Socialist/Liberal/Progressive/Democrat activist... self admitted. So, remember, if you Pay taxes, when Ms. Fluke finishes law school, contraceptive devices or no contraceptive devices, you the tax payer are going to be screwed.
(Possibly why Kathleen Sebellus HHS, is offering Free Sterilizations?)
Michael Mann, famous author of Global Warming or Climate Change (take your pick of terms, depends on the whims of the authors for that day) and the famous Hockey Stick graph, that shows we as humans are all doomed unless we humans cease our existence and close down anything that creates CO2.
One of his credentials for the justification of his research, is He received a Nobel Peace Prize. I certainly wouldn't use that as justification for Any research study. Other prized winners include Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat, Al Gore, and Barack Obama.
I understand that certain banks give one out with every new account opened and that a local gas station gives one out with every truck fill up?
There may be a bit of 'record' warming in the States, though now it's 'record' Cooling in Northern Europe. The point is, will it be catastrophic and caused by trucks, as Mr. Mann and some of his colleagues believe?
Or is this just another 'Chicken Little' scare tactic, to keep the research dollars flowing and to appease the Eco/Enviro Nazi's, who contribute so much money to the Democratic Party? Of course you won't see The Great Messiah Ever driving a $39,000 Volt. Of course he is planning on giving $10,000 of Tax Payers money to 'Every' buyer?
I have a correction to make. I have accused the Enviro lobby and the EPA (it's the same), of banning light bulbs, and other devices. I was corrected, the EPA did not ban 'certain' light bulbs, they just set energy standards, as per the requirement in the U.S. Constitution? Requirements that the bulbs couldn't meet? What a concept! Why didn't I think of that?
We can solve our gas prices by demanding that ALL of the world's car manufacturer's build cars that get 50-75-100 miles per gallon of government formulated gasoline. All Obama has to do, is to sign the Mandate, 'miles per gallon law' becomes so. He could correct the high gas prices in 24 hours with just the signature of a writing instrument on an electronic document. He doesn't even have to be in Washington, he could be playing golf, campaigning, filling out his college basketball card, on vacation, or any other important activity.
What other problems do we have? Unemployment, just pass another law, sign it, 'Voila' unemployment Gone. War? pass a law outlawing (that) war, Obama sign it and no more War. Islamic terrorism? Pass a law and Obama sign it. Should have thought of this solution to the country's problems three years ago. We could be living in a worker's/welfare paradise by now. Pass a law mandating product requirements, behavior of Manufacturers and "Instant paradise". Oh, wait. He already did this. Well, just be patient, and the promised 'workers paradise' will come to you..... Unless you work and Pay Taxes.
Show me where I'm wrong.
The Robo of CALI
Added note by Blogengeezer:
Breaking News, according to NAGR, Hillary Clinton just 'Signed' the UN 'Small Arms Ban'. The type of weapons owned by 80% of the Law Abiding US Citizens are to be 'Banned'. History records prove that a 'Fast and Furious' Eric Holder type 'Confiscation' will certainly follow, After a few political Gymnastics of course. Only a Democrat Senate Majority confirmation, 'OR' a signature by the 'Executive Order' In Chief' will formally Mandate this unprecedented, Forced 'Disarmament' of the Law Abiding USA Citizenry.
The United States of America's Constitution, Your Bill of Rights and Your 2nd Amendment, are now relegated to the Trash Bin of History. Only the liberal Leftists, the 'Progressives' of National Socialism, rejoice in this unprecedented, 'Revolutionary' turn of events.
This related document, Unprecedented in it's scope in US History, is indicative of what the word... POWER... means in real terms. Note the date of signing: Executive Order 'signed' 16 Mar 2012
Added note: The UN is now 'Involved' in the Agenda Driven Political Fiasco of Divisive Race baiting and Disarmament of the US Law Abiding Citizenry. Their DEMAND for Perorations for the Travon Martin shooting is totally Unprecedented in our sovereign nation. Once Sovereign...before Obama mysteriously came into POWER. What can happen next? Time will tell. Progressive News Media, 'Newsweek' and 'TIME' will surely lead you...down the dismal road they led Rhodesia.
Just be sure that if you do nothing but Vote, VOTE Like YOUR Life Depends on it.
..It Does.
Believe In YOUR United States of America,
"One Nation Under God".