Saturday, December 09, 2006

Data Storage

Not a peep from any 'casting' offices that are working the films in New Mexico. I like the long lines at the 'casting calls' as much as anything though. Meeting the people, friends from past films as well as future friends, are great. I could spend days in lines and not get bored. So many different personalities, it would take a lifetime to tire of them all. Even then I would most likely forget and start all over. Being 'actors' and 'actresses', they would change their personalities as well. We all do this already from film to film. Isn't this a fun pastime? Even the new 'calls' are pretty scarce at this time. Maybe this somewhat chilly (as opposed to New Mexico 'Chili') weather we have had is calming down the outdoors filming. Cameras are a little bit fussy when it comes to temperature variations.

Has anyone read about the storing of data for the future? The systems change so often it is getting harder and harder to keep upgrading the means by which information is stored. I read that the 'home burned' CD starts to degrade after about three years. There is a 'gold ' anodized version with a much longer life span but the means to read it will probably not exist when it is dragged out of storage. Remember the 8 track music system? I had one as well as tape cartridges. It never did function after being stored for about ten years. I wish I had the money I spent on tapes for that thing. 'I-Pods' are great in that respect. I am not sure that I have even heard 1000 songs in my lifetime, so it is massive overkill for me. A person could own enough music to keep a broadcasting system going for years. The internet is a great thing, is it not?
In storing of 'Data' that old standby, 'paper' still works but the 'inks' are not very long lived in comparison to the 'Carbon' based ink used on historical documents we saw in museums as we were growing up. The article referred to the aircraft carrier 'Nimitz' and the massive amounts of Data documentation required to maintain all of it's systems, including the contingent of about 85 various aircraft and weaponry. What a 'career intensive' occupation. Obviously I do not have anything an infinitesimal fraction as valuable, to keep records on. Da Flikkers is a pastime and not of any intrinsic value. When it's gone, it's gone. I did pick up a 'Jump' drive to play with some Da Flikkers storage. (1 gig for $20) remember when they cost a hundred dollars a Gig?. Have you noticed the price falling on those little marvels of engineering? They are now being sold in a little dish at Staples for $7.95. (5.12 MB) I thought about the little drywall bits at home improvement store checkouts. The latest 'Express' chips are even making 'Jumps' obsolete. I read in one of my science fiction books in the late 50's, about the future technology in the new world. In the book, the writer described all of this and more, I never forgot his prophesies, he was 'right on'.


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