Monday, May 28, 2007

New Bay Bridge, Oakland California

I read an article in the latest Popular Science magazine. The latest 'really big' project to be built in the USA is in California. The old Oakland Bay Bridge, (the OAK) which is a major 'part' of a highway connection from Oakland to San Francisco California, an Engineering wonder in it's day, is 65 years old. It was built in 1936 and cost 7 million dollars as well as 24 lives. The bridge gained world attention during the last big Earthquake to strike the Bay area, magnitude 7.2 on the Richter scale. Referred to as the 'Loma Prieta' Earthquake on the Hayward fault, Wednesday 18 October 1989.

The upper 50 foot layer of traffic fell down onto the lower deck. Although a massive nightmare of crushed concrete and steel, apparently only one person lost their life. the damage was repaired within one month. (No politicians or Lawyers)

The original design in 1936, was not built to carry even a tenth as much traffic as what it handles today. 270,000 vehicles a day are rushing back and forth over the double decks. This ranks it as the busiest bridge in the world. In 1956 it was rated as one of the 'Wonders of the World'. The new bridge will not be designed to carry any more than 280,000 vehicles a day and is built to last 150 years. Does someone know something that I don't?

"Enter the Dragon", the marvelous Engineers. They have now designed a bridge that would flex and stretch up to one yard before a major failure. They have designed for the controversial tower, (if used) a huge 'Chicken foot' structure to hold footing when the soil 'liquefies' during a quake. A Berkley prof says his own design is much better (that figures). It would withstand terrorist attacks better. Check out his name in the last link about the controversy. The Hayward Fault line lies to the west of the bridge and the San Andreas fault line lies to the East of the bridge. There is a 62% chance of a magnitude 6 earthquake hitting the area within the next 10 to 20 years.

The Engineers (I love those guys, they actually work for a living) designed a system of gigantic sleeves to allow for the flex. Polymer block inserts, prevent the friction from grinding away at the joints. The new design is engineered to withstand a 7.25 Hayward earthquake and an 8.0 San Andreas fault earthquake. The machinery designed to construct this massive structure is also special and extremely large in scale. The all important cost was figured on the total construction and Engineering costs including the basic studies and permits necessary. The analysts came up with a cost of 1.3 billion.

Of course that was if built anywhere in the world but the USA. Of course California USA is even more 'Special'. Now the all important 'Political Leadership' comes into the 'game'. The 'Environmental studies', to make sure a mud puppy or a fish does not get 'squished' or even slightly maimed or displaced during construction. The tall tower, if authorised, is taken into the utterly exhaustive study because of the birds that may hit the cables. Of course the possible effect on any lost Whales are now I am sure, at the top of the list.

This list without an end, goes on and on into infinity. The aesthetics are in a constant state of revision. How it 'looks' is of the utmost importance. The safety of the design is argued endlessly. Ten years ago it was scheduled for completion in the year 2004. That has been revised to 20013 at last guesstimate. Remember, time is of the essence.

Every couple of years some other political figures get involved to either 'push forward' or 'pull backward' on this project. A sort of "Push Me Pull You" from 'Dr Doolittle' the old movie? These studies are all mandated in a virtually endless procedure known as 'due process' in a US court of Law. Of course the endless array of constantly escalating Legal fees for both sides are involved, ad'nauseum. This link reads like a 'Who's Who' in US politics. You will recognise many names on this roster of the "Push Me, Pull You" group. With attitudes like this, it is a 'wonder of the world' that this nation ever accomplishes anything.

Are you ready for this? The cost has now risen to 6.3 billion dollars. That works out to a thousand times more costly than in 1936. On top of that astronomical number, this is only the 'Eastern part' of the bridge. I had no idea that an inflation rate of over 1000% was in effect in this USA. Now that cost is very conservative because there are always endless cost overruns. More Lawyers and Politicians are sure to feel left out of this 'birds nest on the ground', as we 'exited kids' used to remark when we found one.

The United States of America, at one time was able to Engineer, as well as Build anything, get it done rapidly and at a reasonable cost. Now The Engineers and builders can still do their magic, but the USA is now so 'polluted' with legalities and politics, that to accomplish any great project, it's better to take those skills 'abroad' where they are fully appreciated.

No wonder most of the things we took for granted years ago, are now done 'overseas'. Has anyone seen the Engineering Marvels being built in Dubai? We have started to export every technology to other countries because the people here in the USA that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual building of the project, Political Lawyers, now take far more, in this case about 5 times as much, of the money spent, than the true workers and architectural designers and Engineers.

Our 'legalities' system is much sicker than most people will ever know. Remember the great system of Hydro Electric 'Dams' across the South? The TVA I mentioned in a previous blog? It could never be done again in the USA until 'Pigs Fly'. Of course the times always change and the groups that are against 'everything imaginable', will one day be dead and gone.

The future does look fine, now that I think of it that way. How long do you think it will take for the influence of those types to dissipate and common sense to return? I wish for the likes of Mr. Conde B. McCullouch to return to this USA. You may or most likely not, know that he lived from 1919 to 1946. The Oregon Coast owes it's beautiful bridge Engineering prowess of the 1930's to Conde Mc McCullouch. Now those were the USA's glory days of Engineering and "Get 'er Done".

Please check out this Legacy, just one of his many Marvels. Better yet take a leisurely trip up the Fantastic Oregon Pacific Coast along highway 1. Be sure to stop along the way and really look at each piece of his amazing Engineering. It is a refreshing look at what man can do during relatively 'legally unfettered' times.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Mexico Fun in the Sun?

My Wife and I headed out very happy with expectation on our short 600 mile Motorhome trip through Southwestern New Mexico on what is known as 'the circle'. The first part was great, with an evening stop in a small campground in Datil, in the Southwestern NM mountains. There I met a real 'Trail Rider' actually ridin' the trail. His camp was near ours. My wife really liked his horse, and told me to get his story.

PHIL MOORE. Check him out on

The horseback traveling Wrangler from Jasper, in Newton county Arkansas. Phil and I discussed horses and six-guns. He packed a Ruger Flat top similiar to one that Blogengeezer once owned. His 15 year old saddle bags are from his old motorcycle ridin' days. Phil was 'ridin the trail' west towards California this trip. As the article in the 'Free New Mexican' stated, his horse is still shiny. It has been a year since the article was written about him. This part of the trail he actually parraleled the old 'Hoof Highway' from Magdalena NM to Sheep Springs, Springerville Arizona. That trail was used from the 1800's until 1971 to drive Sheep and Cattle to the old Magdalena railhead. Blogengeezer worked that area from '65 until it was no longer a railhead destination.

After we talked a while he mentioned being in a film near Santa Fe NM. 'COMANCHE MOON' was the film that Blogengeezer worked on when he started Da Flikkers. Check my archives, right sidebar, about the film. June 2006 the first post, and all comments are about the days on Comanche Moon set. Austin Texas after the Civil war. The book was written by Larry McMurtry. Phil was a 'Townfolk rider' Blogengeezer was a 'townfolk' black long tail coated, businessman in a tall black top hat with a carriage driver and a 'Woman' or two. Sometimes walking the streets, sometimes running around in suspenders after the Indian Raid. November 07 is the release date for TV. It is the 'Prequel' to the 'Lonesome Dove' series.

I had heard about Phil Moore. The entire cast talked about him. He was the rider that got escorted off the set when someone noticed he was packin' a real six-gun. Hollywood does not take kindly to that stuff since a few 'incidents' in the past, claimed a few professional actors who thought they were bulletproof. After a bit more conversation, I left Phil Moore to pack his gear, 'Saddle up' and ride on out. 'Happy Trails' Phil Moore. It was a pleasure meetin' Ya.

The scenery all over NM really is Primitively beautiful. Some 'Pansy Tailed' Eastern Journalists refer to it as 'Desolation'. The Washington Post said so on Tuesday, May 24th Datelined 'Albuquerque'. The latest nonsense blurb about NM atty Gen 'Iglesias' being fired by the Pres. Big Whoop! Every Pres. fires those guys, Clinton fired over a hundred of 'em. They are political appointments. The 'Pansy Tail' that wrote the story is 'Sridhar Pappu', Whadd'yer bet he is another Lib Easterner?

The New Mexico, VLA Radio Telescope on The San Augustine Plain (depicted in the movie 'Contact') was closed at 6 PM so we did not get to really do the interesting Tour. Those rail mounted, Dish Antennas are monsters up close. The smoke from the California fires put a haze over the southern half of NM. The trip was going nicely. The Re-introduced, Mexican wolf likes a ranchers nice Beef from time to time. The always plentiful Antelope and Deer are too hard to catch. Bobcats, Mountain Lions and Bears enjoy this part of the country. Outfitters ranches are along the canyon roads to make sure the commercial 'hunters' get a good workout. We were having a fun trip, So far so good.

The serious driving thing started when I had trouble getting gas due to the Silver City NM, Walmart merchandise card not reading the 200 dollars I had just loaded it with. The busy guy in the kiosk said he would come out and help. He forgot aboout me and I had to go back to remind him. He was no help at all. I had to leave the rig at the pump, walk back to the store, wait in line to get it put on another card. I was a little upset so did not fill up the tank.

I drove on into Las Cruces NM near sunset. The sun was right in my eyes so I unwittingly drove the rig into a dead end street lined with concertina wire. After struggling to get to an area where I could at least possibly turn the rig around, I had to disconnect the Jeep. My Wife turned the MH around by a lot of back and forth maneauvers with me banging on the side whenever she got too close to the wire. I then got in the Jeep and followed her to a gas station.

My wife had seen a campground sign and happily said "lets stop there for the night". That was her last 'Happily'. I started to fill the tank the rest of the way and the old pump with an unreadable display would not give me a receipt so I went inside. After a lot of walking back and forth to get the busy desk guy to turn the pumps on three times, I got the tank full.

One hour after stopping for gas, it was dark and I was getting angry. I did not look for the campground so Peg was now angry. I ended up driving another hundred miles through the darkness, North to the Elephant Butte reservoir and found a sign for camping near Truth or Consequences NM. My wife was back in her sleepless bed ignoring me in anger.

I then drove down this old bumpy street, to run into a road construction area with a very bad, long detour through a narrow little dirt rutted trail, through many little metal signs. I was watching out for the signs to not gouge the paint on the MH. I ended high up on a bluff overlooking the Dam at a 'Dead End'.

The area was only a foot wider than my turning radius with the Jeep and I had fully locked (jacknifed) the entire rig into the turn. My wife finally, angrily came back from her seclusion in the bedroom, and up front to see what I had done and why was I getting outside. The dropoff was over two hundred feet into the reservoir and the turning, side scrubbing, tires would only clear the dirt edge by one foot.

My Wife angrily got into the drivers seat and inched the rig along the edge while I walked along that foot of dirt watching the embankment for signs of catostrophic failure. After that experience I, as well as my Wife were both really, really, angry. I then drove another hundred miles in the middle of the night, toward a town, Socorro NM, that had a Wallmart.

I could not see back there, but after what I believed to be, beatin' the livin' stuffin' out of a couple of stuffed animals she keeps in the MH, During what sounded like holding them by their legs, she hit their heads on whatever was close, about ten times each animal. Lucky they were 'stuffed' animals, they look a little ragged now. Their little ribbons are hangin' pretty loose.

My wife, by then loudly (screaming) reminded me of everything she perceived that I had ever done wrong in our 40 years of marriage. How her life would have been very marvelous had she never met me, as I silently drove on through the night. For my health, luckily I had forgotten to bring the 38. After arriving at the Wallmart and a restless sleep of a few hours, we silently drove back the remaining 80 miles to ABQ without speaking until after the next day.

Today seems sort of back to normal. We are planning another short trip next week :>)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bolshevik Revolution?

In 1917, Russia, with it's 'leftist' supported, 'Mainstream Media' of the day, finally caved in to the popular 'Leftist' group of 'Activists' that promised them a Utopia. well they sure got it. After about 30 million (a very conservative number) political 'disenters' were turned into fertilizer for 'Mother Earth', A socialist 'Utopia' emerged...GAAG!

Well it did lower the total size of Russia's 'Carbon Footprint'. Over crowding was somewhat reduced. The total fuel requirements were reduced. Of course the 'Carbon Offsets' were 'transferred' to the 'Elitists' and their supporters. The main if not only, motor vehicles built were the 'ZIM' and the 'ZIS', both were knockoffs of the luxury US built Packard and British Rolls Royce for 'The leaders'. Also in later years the Cadillac Limo was copied. All heavily armored of course. (some 'Disenters' escaped)

All production was reserved for the Leftist Political leaders including the extremely wealthy 'Oligharqs' of the 'Leftist Regime', everyone else drove donkey carts and in later years the junker little car 'Yugo' seen in TV news films of East Germans fleeing to the West when the Berlin Wall came down at the 'URGING' of US President, Ronald Reagan. Remember that? I didn't think so.

Ah yes, forced transfer of 'Carbon Credits'. The food neccessary for survival was more easily obtained by the 'Elitists'. Of course it was either imported or provided by the bottom caste 'agrarian' citizens, with threats and harsh punishment guaranteed if 1 year, 3 year, 5 year plans were not met to the satisfaction of the ruling 'Elitists'. Even with the Help of the famous US financed 'Armand Hammer' and the USA sending thousands of 'Ford' tractors, the 'Plans' were never met..Surprise, Surprise. Huge quantities of VODKA was the national 'anti-Depressant'? Wait till my blog about Chernobyl.

George Soros thinks he is the new Armand Hammer but wants his control to be over our own political system this time. He does know the workings of the Russian system well. Google and Wikipedia him if you need more proof. The links are in my right sidebar, help yourself.

Everybody worked hard at working hard. Well now maybe that is not so bad unless you are over 70, over weight (like the Communist 'Bacon Boy', Michael Moore) or a 'pansy tail' Hollyweird performer. Businesses were taken over by the Government to prevent the so called Capitalist 'Pigs' from exploiting their workers. Boy does that stuff sound like something out of todays news? You bet your sweet 'pansy tail' it does. Kiss shopping at 'The Mall' Bye-Bye.

'Hugo Chavez' the 'King for life' of Venezuela is doing that exact thing with the blessing of Our own 'Liberal' poster girl, his one time/night 'Squeeze', walk-on star for the DNC, 'Cindy sheehan' 'Michae Moore' of course is drooling with admiration. Of course Hugos latest investment in a new Kalishnikov factory to produce the ultimate world 'Peace maker', the AK-47, will firmly ensure his popularity in South America.

You think we have a border control problem today? His own future Nukes will further enhance his ability to 'project' his will upon any one willing to 'Submit'. Thank you Iran's President Amadinejad for your help in South America.

It looks like our voting masses 'Indoctrinated' by the 'Leftist' Mainstream Media' in the USA are bringing a fresh new crop of 'Submitters' to Washington DC. So far our intelligent military will have nothing to do with them. If in the future that changes through Military de-funding, due to the US Dow Jones Industrials being forced into the gutter by some in Congress that truly beleive it to be 'way too high', (Nancy Pelosi) that scenario could change.

Of course this is all the conjecture of one blogger, to force you to think for yourself. The reality is that the overall intelligent masses that have knowledge of just a little bit of History will see the light and vote for a common sense, opposing group of Representatives and Senators to put this scenario on the backburner for another more intelligent, realistic thinking, generation to deal with. US citizens had better 'Pray' it is so. After all this is undeniably 'One Nation Under God'. For how much longer, is anyones guess.

As ROBO has mentioned, 'Michael Moore' has the following of his political crowd because they only know as fact, what is on The Big Screen. I may add the all knowing TV Talking Heads and the 'Leftist' AP supported Mass Media system. The Big headlines and one big picture is the limit of that factions attention span. Talk about ADD, that faction's really got it. More 'Ritalin' for the masses, they demand.

Mr soros, you have quite a flock of 'groupies' to contend with. I am sooooo impressed. When you see a car with various strange bumper stickers all over the back end, which political party do you surmise that they support? What would their 'brain scan' reveal. Hyperactivity?

Watching 'Jay Leno' on the tonight Show tells it all. When Jay does a segment of his program as 'Jay Walking', you will witness the 'wisdom' of the average person on the street. Shameful and Embarrasing. The interviewees are totally oblivious to their own 'Ignorance'. Most of them are 'Teachers', 'College Students' or government employees, enough said?

I beleive the possibility exists for a two party subsystem similiar to the Shia and Sunni groups in the middle East, could one day emerge here in the USA. Now 'THAT' would be more excitement than most US citizens could handle. "To Die For..For Sure, For Sure". The PBS already Kow-Tow's to CAIR 'Islam vs Islamists' (the movie), because they are deathly afraid of them. Does that mean they are Shiia or does that mean they are Sunni? Maybe the division comes among all of us after we 'Submit'. How about Hamas vs Fatah as we embrace Sharia Law. "Off with their heads" said the Queen in 'Alice and Wonderland'.

Ah yes 'Dhimmitude' reborn. Research that word if you don't beleive it could happen here. Oh yes and by the way, definetly watch 'Obsession', the trailer is in my right sidebar links. That is only if you want facts, if 'political fiction' is your game, shut down your computer with it's true world stories available, for you to decide whats 'truth' and watch CNN instead.

Award Winning PBS program of the past, 'The Commanding Heights' series on three DVD's are a must watch if you are not a reader. They are available through for a reasonable price. A College course to learn a little History at home.

By the way, Japan holds over twice as much in US treasury notes as china. That has never been a big issue with the Liberal factions (they like their cars). Now china is their supposed dreaded enemy due to it's competitive economy. They work hard...Well Duh! Dubya did it. Watch 'The Commanding Heights' series to get your facts straight. PBS showed it one time and are afraid to show it again. It de-bunks their own 'Politically Supported' Myth.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Oil Refinery 'Greed' ?

This one is from 'ROBO' in sunny California.

Try this one for real 'Logic' , Gas prices here in La-La Cal. are over $3.41, as of this morning. The Radio talk show interviews an ecologist 'Activist'. The "Activist", who's age and IQ numbers are very close together, claims "The 'Greedy' Oil Companies are to blame because they did not, and will not, 'Invest' in new refineries". California has not built a new refinery in over 30 years. Well DUH....

Did the radio (main stream media) Bozo think to at least call a VP at a 'Greedy' Oil Company and ask why not? Of course not, because the 'Greedy' Oil Company would tell him that the "Activist", with age and IQ numbers the same, will not allow them to obtain a permit to build or expand an oil refinery.

Oil companies have spent millions in studies to show the locations 'will block a view of a sand dune', 'harm a tarantula', or bring any grief or stress to a 'microbe'. Still the "Activists" won't ever allow the refinerys to be built.

Where do the "Activists" get their money to pay for the attorney's? From wealthy retired school profs, who never had to work a day in their lives, from the federal government, who in an act of brilliance during the Un-Civil Rights era, sets aside large blocks of money for fellow attorney's to draw from when defending some 'perceived' wrong that "The Little Guy" can't afford to defend himself from.

In other words you the tax payer are paying for the "Activist's" social program. Lenin, Joe, Adolph, Pol Pot, Mau, Ho, would all be so proud.
Well, that would just blow the "Activist" story all to hell and give some credence that the 'Socialist, Liberal, Progressive, Activists' are as 'Whacked' as the Mainstream Media. Can't have that.
Trapped in La-La Land....ROBO

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bolshevik Revolution? USA

In 1917, Russia, with it's leftist supported, 'Mainstream Media' of the day, finally caved in to the popular 'Leftist' group of 'Activists' that promised them a Utopia. well they sure got it. After about 30 million (conservative number) political 'disenters' were turned into fertilizer for 'Mother Earth', Utopia emerged...GAG!

Well it did lower the total size of Russia's 'Carbon Footprint'. Over crowding was somewhat reduced. The total fuel requirements were reduced. Of course they were 'transferred' to the 'Elitists' and their supporters. The main motor vehicle built was ZIM or ZIS, both were knockoffs off the luxury US built Packard and Rolls Royce for 'The leaders. Also in later years the Cadillac Limo was copied. All heavily armored.

All production was reserved for the Leftist Political leaders including the extremely wealthy 'Oligharqs' of the 'Leftist Regime', everyone else drove donkey carts and in later years the junker little car 'Yugo' seen in films of East Germans fleeing to the West when the Berlin Wall came down at the 'URGING' of US President, Ronald Reagan. Remember that? I didn't think so.

Ah yes, forced transfer of 'Carbon Credits'. The food neccessary for survival was more easily obtained by the 'Elitists'. Of course it was either imported or provided by the bottom caste 'agrarian' citizens, with threats and harsh punishment guaranteed if 1 year, 3 year, 5 year plans were not met to the satisfaction of the ruling 'Elitists'. The 'Plans' were never met..Surprise, Surprise.

Everybody worked hard at working hard. Well now maybe that is not so bad unless you are over 70, over weight (like the Communist 'Bacon Boy', Michael Moore) or a 'pansy tail' Hollyweird performer. Businesses were taken over by the Government to prevent the so called Capitalist 'Pigs' from exploiting their workers. Boy does that stuff sound like something out of todays news? You bet your sweet 'pansy tail' it does. Kiss shopping at 'The Mall' Bye-Bye.

'Hugo Chavez' the 'King for life' of Venezuela is doing that exact thing with the blessing of Our own 'Liberal' poster girl, his one time/night 'Squeeze', walk-on star for the DNC, 'Cindy sheehan' 'Michae Moore' of course is drooling with admiration. Of course Hugos latest investment in a new Kalishnikov factory to produce the ultimate world 'Peace maker', the AK-47, will firmly ensure his popularity in South America.

You think we have a border control problem today? His own future Nukes will further enhance his ability to 'project' his will upon any one willing to 'Submit'. Thank you Iran's President Amadinejad for your help in South America.

It looks like our voting masses 'Indoctrinated' by the 'Leftist' Mainstream Media' in the USA are bringing a fresh new crop of 'Submitters' to Washington DC. So far our intelligent military will have nothing to do with them. If in the future that changes through Military de-funding, due to the US Dow Jones Industrials being forced into the gutter by some in Congress that truly beleive it to be 'way too high', (Nancy Pelosi) that scenario could change.

Of course this is all the conjecture of one blogger, to force you to think for yourself. The reality is that the overall intelligent masses that have knowledge of just a little bit of History will see the light and vote for a common sense, opposing group of Representatives and Senators to put this scenario on the backburner for another more intelligent, realistic thinking, generation to deal with. US citizens had better 'Pray' it is so. After all this is undeniably 'One Nation Under God'. For how much longer, is anyones guess.

As ROBO has mentioned, 'Michael Moore' has the following of his political crowd because they only know as fact, what is on The Big Screen. I may add the all knowing TV Talking Heads and the 'Leftist' AP supported Mass Media system. The Big headlines and one big picture is the limit of that factions attention span. Talk about ADD, that faction's really got it. More 'Ritalin' for the masses, they demand.

Mr soros, you have quite a flock of 'groupies' to contend with. I am sooooo impressed. When you see a car with various strange bumper stickers all over the back end, which political party do you surmise that they support? What would their 'brain scan' reveal. Hyperactivity?

Watching 'Jay Leno' on the tonight Show tells it all. When Jay does a segment of his program as 'Jay Walking', you will witness the 'wisdom' of the average person on the street. Shameful and Embarrasing. The interviewees are totally oblivious to their own 'Ignorance'. Most of them are 'Teachers', 'College Students' or government employees, enough said?

I beleive the possibility exists for a two party subsystem similiar to the Shia and Sunni groups in the middle East, could one day emerge here in the USA. The PBS already Kow-Tow's to CAIR 'Islam vs Islamists' (the movie), because they are deathly afraid of them. Does that mean they are Shiia or does that mean they are Sunni? Maybe the division comes among all of us after we 'Submit'. How about Hamas vs Fatah as we embrace Sharia Law. "Off with their heads" said the Queen in 'Alice and Wonderland'.

Ah yes 'Dhimmitude' reborn. Research that word if you don't beleive it could happen here. Oh yes and by the way, definetly watch 'Obsession', the trailer is in my right sidebar links. That is only if you want facts, if 'political fiction' is your game, shut down your computer with it's true world stories available, for you to decide whats 'truth' and watch CNN instead.

Award Winning PBS program of the past, 'The Commanding Heights' series on three DVD's are a must watch if you are not a reader. They are available through for a reasonable price. A College course to learn a little History at home.

By the way, Japan holds over twice as much in US treasury notes as china. That has never been a big issue with the Liberal factions (they like their cars). Now china is their dreaded enemy due to it's competitive economy. They work hard...Well Duh! Dubya did it. Watch 'The Commanding Heights' series to get your facts straight. PBS showed it one time and are afraid to show it again. It de-bunks their own 'Politically Supported' Myth.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dam Good Sites

While traveling along the highways of the USA in late afternoon, a place to park the Motorhome starts to be important. Campgrounds are plentiful and a lot of books are available to locate them. We have found 'Trailer Life' to be one of the very best. the 'Next Exit' is a good one as well.

'Woodalls' has lost a large portion of it's appeal because the State and National Parks are left out of the latest 2007 edition. Woodalls now only caters to it's base of privately owned RV parks. We do stay in that type of park on rare occasions. We donated at a national park, our 'old woodalls' before we realised the 'downgrade'.

The 'Natural Allure' of the many Government Parks as well as the rates being lower, are the reasons we find attractive. We are 'not' the type of people who play golf and use all of the organised social amenities provided at the high end, privately owned RV parks. Those things are not of interest to us. We personally, most enjoy watching the wildlife from the campsite and exploration of the areas. Even the lowly squirrel, or the plentiful small birds are of interest to us.

During a stopover at the area around Gatlinburg Tennessee, (south of I-40 east of Knoxville) and near the famous 'Dollywood', we found the Hydro-Electric 'Douglas Dam', Built by the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Tennesee Valley Authority (TVA) before these latest years of Oppresive Environmentalist's Restrictions. Todays endless, 'goosestep marching', cadre of Lawyers and their legal 'wrangling for dollars', makes it totally impossible to ever do that type of immense project again.

Todays exhorbitant legal costs involved would far, far exceed the actual costs of the project. So sad that our great nation has fallen victim to our own legal system. Maybe our 'finely honed pendulum' will some day finish it's swing to the 'left' and start back toward to a period of common sense based 'equalibrium'. 'Recreation on lakes and waters'

The Dams provide clean electricity and public recreation areas for all citizens regardless of their status in life, as well as diverse Wildlife habitat, and flood control, to a large portion of the Southern United States. The Civil War ended over one hundred and thirty years ago. The South, because they lost the Civil War? was not reaping any of the nations econonomic growth until the last several years, when the worlds investments began to shift here. The demographics of the domestic working middle class USA shifted. I should say, fled the voracious tax appetite as well as the legal restrictions of the Liberal, free for all, 'Rust Belt' among other areas, to leave for the lower taxed, conservative south with it's new found freedom, opportunities, wealth and prosperity.

The endless valleys are now, Dam created long river/lakes, with fishing and boating, with access available to everyone, not only the wealthy 'shoreline owners'. Striped Bass are most sought after. The ever present very big 'Catfish' is always a fishing story to remember, telling and re-telling for years. The restaurant chain, 'Cracker Barrel', is the best place to eat 'Catfish' while traveling, due to it's consistancy of quality at each restaurant. Try it, You will like it..

In the Carolinas, the water backed up by a few of the Dams, provides the water for the cooling towers of the Nuclear Power Generating stations. The electrical generating capacity of these areas brought prosperity to the people that lived in abject poverty before these projects started a long time ago. The new homes and businesses of today are being built as fast as the working class 'domestic citizens' find out about this 'goldmine' and move here from other 'declining' areas of the country.

Read online; 'The Wall Street Journal' 08 May 2007, 'The Re Alignment of America' by Michael Barone.

The 'Douglas Dam' near 'Dollywood' (Gatlinburg) in Eastern Tennessee, was our home for two nights while we went sightseeing during the days. We found the endless numbers of birds, deer and other wildlife around the Dam, a treat to watch. The birds have found that when the Dams automatic system slowly opens the generating gates, a number of fish flow through the massive turbines and some are either stunned or killed by the blades. The birds and other wildlife are fed to the max by this harvest. The plentiful supply of fish is in no way diminished.

Normally the Great Blue Heron is very unsociable and solitary. Not at the Dams. They reluctantly stand about 10 feet from each other watching the great Dam. When the horn sounds, indicating the gate opening, they know feast time is starting. We counted approximately one hundred Great Blue Herons, all at 'attention' staring at the base of the Dam.

Many other types of birds are there as well. Pellicans have decided to feed at these areas as well as large numbers of Egrets and various other types of Cranes. Bright red 'Cardinals' are a treat for us because NM has no significant numbers of them.

The wonderful flying capabilities of 'Vultures'of all types, searching out 'thermals', while endlessly flying back and forth looking for whatever flows down stream or ripening on the highways, are always fascinating to watch.

Mornings with a cup of coffee, relaxing in the 'captains chairs', gazing out the big windshield, are as bountiful with wildlife as evenings, at 'The Tailwaters' below the Dams. The 'Headwaters' above are used more by the boating and fishing crowd. The US Army Corps of Engineers help maintain these campgrounds as a public service. Privately owned campgrounds with numerous camping sites are also available around these 'Oasis' areas.

San Angelo Texas also benefits from one of the great Army Corps of Engineers Dam's. Lake Nasworthy, The City Parks Marina, at one time provided boats for family fun. Well the 'Lawyers Open Season' and the US legal system now allowing the 'Lawyers Open Season', sure ended all that. The risk of a devastating lawsuit brought the reasonably priced, public rentals to an end.

Their countless recreational camping sites are still a great place to enjoy plentiful numbers of Turkey, Deer, vultures, common Squirrels as well as Black 'Rock Squirrels' and for some reason Donkeys, Peacocks and Llamas. I think the later are owned by someone and just wander at times. Hurry before the 'Liberals attorneys' decide that it is way too dangerous for anyone but the 'Elitists'.

Beware of the 'stinging Fire Ants' (illegal aliens) while traveling the south. Bleach seems to neutralise the sting if dabbed on within seconds of the sub-miniature ants 'multiple stings'. I carry a bleach 'pen' when exploring. Ammonia ('After Bite')also seems somewhat effective but I prefer the bleach. Their small mounds look like many little piles of finely ground coffee.

Thank you, 'US Army Corps of Engineers', for an excellent job. They have a website listing locations, we used a little folded paper map, given to us by a volunteer, showing the whereabouts of most of them. Thank you volunteers for the help you give to maintain these great National Treasures. The United States government can not do all of this without your help. (Corps volunteer Program)

Oklahoma and Texas have a shared 'Corps of Engineers' Hydro-Electric Dam (Texoma) as well. Denison Dam (Texoma Lake) near Denison Texas on the Oklahoma border. The lake backs up for miles along the course of the river. The same plentiful numbers of wildlife are hanging out below the Dam waiting for easy treats. When we traveled in the past, on our way to wherever, we rarely slowed down enough to enjoy some of the natural things made available by our great nation for the American public.

Our Government is doing a great job, considering the growing population of 300 million people, all acting like immature baby birds, all 'Demanding', to be catered to. Leaving their trash every place they visit. Although grown adults, they still apparently need a Mother. Again the volunteers are on site doing whatever needs to be done in order to help maintain these environments. Very few people are blessed with this giving 'spirit', tell them that they are appreciated whenever you come across them.

There also is a miniscule but 'litigously' boisterous, movement by the 'FORCES of DARKNESS' to remove all vestiges of ALL Dams to allow the 'Natural' flow of rivers to return. Which Tenured College Profs poured this ridiculous nonsense into these perpetual 'Babies' brains?

I would surmise, the only way these 'Forces of Darkness' will accept the world, is the condition it was in before 'Mankind' populated the Earth. They do not seem to realise that the electricity to manufacture their 'Political Bumper Stickered' 'Prius' has to be generated by some engineering marvel. They seem to have no concept how this is accomplished. They also still need a Mother.

In the meantime get out and enjoy the Greatest Nation the world has ever known. The fantastic endlessly changing scenery with it's many different altitudes and climates. The plentiful amenities. The nicest people you will ever meet anywhere. The access to anywhere in this nation without wearing a passport on a string around your neck.

Even the fuel heading upwards towards four dollars a gallon is cheap and easy to aquire by world standards. Beer is about the same price and only fun when you drink so much of it, your brain, to say nothing of your life, is heading for disaster. Whiskey is much more costly. I can go on and on but you need to get rollin'. See you somewhere in the USA some evening around the campfire. Life is great.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sarkozy, France? Wow

I really almost can not believe the news. And that is yet another point. France finally awoke from it's deep slumber. Rip Van Winkle is alive and starting to stir. The pendulum is gradually slowing it's swing to the Liberal Left and the next lower 'detent'. The razor sharp edge is still intact but the time frame is starting to lengthen. Mechanism described from "The Pit and the Pendulum". Ahh.. the Bastille revisited. "If only the rats would chew the blood soaked ropes".

The MSM headlines in the Notorious 'Albuquerque Journal', (NY Times, La-La Times Homie') stating the Conservative Sarkozy had won. Of course, true to their fashion, it was accompanied by a file photo of a riot scene. Of course they also failed to mention that 'Liberal Governed' France has riots as often as they have wine. The French welfare system financed, 'scum' as Sarkozy refers to them, burns about 50 to 100 cars every night for entertainment. Remember the population of France, 63 million, is not that large. One despicable way to cut back on fuel imports.
(France History lesson)

The car dealers see nothing wrong with that. Sarkozy is a 'Tough ex-cop' and may tighten the grip on society...finally. He wants to see people at work for 40 hours a week instead of 35 as the Leftists mandated, and come home tired so that they have little energy to go out on the town and 'Burn Cars' for entertainment. He also would like the 'temporary' Immigrant to start working and pay taxes or go back to their beloved Utopia from which they came. Of course if they burn one wrong car back there, it is their last. The 'Socialist Party' of Mme.Segolene Royal, likes the people to stay home, get checks in the mail, and generally be nice and of course vote for her party....O yes! La-La Land, like on the 'Left Coast' of the USA.

Finally some things are reversing the trend toward 'Utopia' envisioned by the 'Intelligentsia' of the 'Academy' generation. AKA the 'Quadropod Latte Suckers'. I would never believe it had I not read it in the most trusted of Mass Media, The Printed Page and the 'all knowing' TV Talking Heads.

Of course the Liberal Main Stream Media is not going to take this lying (Lieing?) down. The 'Tabloid mentality' of the Associated Press is being put into '4x4', 'Nitrous' injected of course. The always reliable 'Sex' and 'Violence' history of Sarkozy is being dragged into the spotlight by the Liberal left Media, drums 'rolling', for all to see. Next they will admonish him for not seeking the all encompassing 'Re-Hab' of our extremely intelligent, 'USA Hollywood film and Entertainment Stars'.

More fantastic news in the form of a powerful 'Counter Force' to Mr 'George Soros', is lurking in the shadows. George Soros, if you Google often, is the entire financial 'ways and means' committee for the numerous Liberal 'sucker fish' fastened firmly to the belly of the Democratic Party of the USA. My 'Blue Collar', hard working ancestors would have revolted if they knew what has happened to this once great political party.

If the offer is accepted, Australia's own Rupert Murdoch, has the 'ways and means' of his own, to take control of 'The Dow Jones Industrials Average', as well as the great, free market, 'Wall Street Journal' without even stopping to think about it. Now the Economy will still have another strong voice against the AP 'Created' news and it's 'Toady' media. Thank you Mr Murdoch and thank you Bancroft family for not ever entertaining any offer from Mr Soros or his shadow Cadre. The Politically Correct, Liberal 'Forces of Darkness', should start a party of their own and release their 'Death Suck' on our once powerful and honorable, Democratic Party of the working man. It is time for the 'Libs' to see if 'Their Own Dog can Hunt'.


Friday, May 04, 2007

'LUCKY' the Old Sailor

A man walked into a bar and sat next to a very rough looking 'Old Sailor'. The man could not help but notice the sailor had a left 'Peg Leg', A large sharp 'Hook' for a left hand, and a black 'Patch' over his left eye socket. The man finally worked up enough courage to ask the old sailor about the various 'accessorys' he was wearing.

First question was about the left 'Peg leg'? The Sailor said with a gruff gravelly voice, "ARGGH", "fell overboard durin' a voyage through shark infested waters," "Me Mates pulled me back on board but a big shark had already bit off me left leg", "So I got me this 'Peg'".

Shortly, the amazed man got to the second question, what about the left Hook in place of a hand? the old sailor replyed again gruffly, "ARRGH" "Me and Me Mates were sailin' round the 'Horn' when we were boarded by 'Pirates', while fightin' them off, one whacked me with his Cutlass, cuttin' off me left 'hand'". "So I got me this Hook"

Amazed at these storys, the man finally got to the reason for the patch? Again the reply, "ARRGGH, a flyin' Seagul crapped in me left eye!"

The astounded man looked at the old sailor and questioned why that made him lose the left eye? Again the reply, "ARRGH, First day with Me new Hook".