Henrik Svensmark worked his lifetime on a series of projects to research the effects of the Sun on our Earth. His well credentialed team's discoveries instilled even more curiosity about the Cause and Effect of the Sun's radiation on Earth's atmosphere. The ICE Age's
As our Earth, along with our Solar system
Svensmark's team of Cosmic researchers, Chemists and Astronomers, such as Physics Professor Nir Shaviv
Wikipedia's Climate Gatekeeper (math teacher) William Connolly, Also the partner in AGW Agenda driven worshiping,, take note, quit changing 'All' of the Wiki data to your own contrived 'facts', or Wiki's reputation will suffer greatly. Well in actuality, it's credibility is already in the tank. Now their choice to be in the 'septic' tank is their own.
The resulting teamwork, was an obvious intertwine effect, which revealed warming and cooling of the Earth, through Cloud formation. The ICE Ages
The Earth, in effect, makes one complete cycle in reference to the center of our Galaxy, each 230 to 250,000,000 years. Mathematics can predict the exact spot in our Galaxy, where our Earth will be at any given point, in History or the Future. Turns out that the correlation for higher near star cosmic radiation
The radiation, depending on the 'throttle effect' of the Sun's varying 'Solar Wind' (described in the 2012 link above), either allows or blocks, a portion of Cosmic particles. Those particles strike water vapor 'aerosols' in the air, and create or dissipate Clouds. More Clouds, less heat is collected on Earth. Clouds in effect create shade and cooling. Svensmark's team studied Ocean temperatures, using XBT's or the later, less experienced, ARGO floats
The Cretaceous period
The 'Cloud' series is a filmed, 52 minute Documentary
Now we seek and wait for The Truth to be revealed. It will prevail in this United States of America, "One Nation Under God".